Shop Talk
A Note From Our Founder
I am so proud of what Rust Belt Recruiting is and who it encompasses. Our team, our clients and the hundreds of hard working manufacturing workers that we’ve surrounded ourselves with is the greatest source of pride for Jenna and I after five years in business.
When I set out to start RBR, people would always tell me “five years is the magic number.” In many ways, they were right. We’ve seen highs and lows, internally and externally, that are not for the faint of heart.
With that said, I am elated by the prospects of the next five years. We have established our place in the market with top-notch clients and a team that can consistently deliver results for them. We get to tell the story of our region’s backbone, manufacturing, on a daily basis through marketing efforts, advocacy and numerous other mediums.
When I was starting this company, I saw a mural in Athens, Ohio (Go Bobcats!) that said
‘Without Labor Nothing Prospers.’ Isn’t that the truth! Our country was and continues to be built on the backs of the hardworking men and women in our industrial workforce.
The very people who get their hands dirty, making the world a better place through innovation.
As I look towards the future, I am grateful to see a resurgence in the conversation around manufacturing’s importance. While Covid-19 was devastating for our country, it forced us to look at our reliance on global supply chains and has shifted us towards an imminent strategy of reshoring. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to be educating the next generation on what a wonderful career and lifestyle manufacturing can offer them. It is imperative that we continue to create a business environment where companies are poised to thrive and here in the Buckeye state, companies want to call home.
With all of this in mind, we’re excited to continue to support the recruitment and talent strategy efforts of these powerhouse industrial businesses. While the University of Texas gets the credit for their slogan “What starts here changes the world,” I believe that of Ohio’s industrial economy as well.
So, I say to Rust Belt Recruiting, Workforce Strategy Partners and friends of the business, let’s channel our efforts over the next five years towards that… changing the world with the work that we’re doing right here in Ohio. I have goosebumps thinking about what that will become. I can’t wait to be celebrating with many of you and many more to come when we celebrate our ten year anniversary!
Here’s to you friends. Thank you for what you have done for us. You are truly making a difference in the lives of others and the work that you’re doing here is definitely changing the world!
– Taylor Evans
Owner and Founder of Rust Belt Recruiting