Shop Talk
An Attitude of Gratitude Part II
What a year.
That’s what I assume will be the end of 2020 mantra, said from a place of sorrow, relief, exhaustion, optimism and more.
The year that rocked our world. We got hit left and right with dramatic news and a multitude of lifestyle changes. We were challenged to look within and around us, contemplating endless possibilities, both good and bad.
We grieved. We rejoiced. We let our emotions get the best of us at times. But we are walking into 2021 with hope. Hope that the worst is behind us and that the new horizon is one that will leave us better than when we started 2020.
We gained so much through the pandemic. We learned how to connect in a different way. We adopted refined best practices to be a better, more hygienic society. We came to appreciate things we may have taken for granted in the past, or new opportunities that by the twisted fate of circumstances, weren’t available before.
As we step towards a new year, I am reminding myself to keep my eyes on the prize. Just like the buffalo that runs into a blizzard rather than away from it, facing this storm head on will get us past it much faster than trying to run from it. Keep going. Use best and safe practices.
We have proven in 2020 just how strong we are, how capable we can be when we choose to do so.
May God Bless you, your family and your most loved ones. Thank you for being a part of our Rust Belt Recruiting family, in whatever way that includes you. We are who we are because of those around us (you!), giving us the strength to keep going even when times have gotten tough.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!