Shop Talk
Rust Belt Supports Legislation to Improve Communities
Rust Belt Recruiting is proud to support House Bill 252 to enhance our local communities.
The proposed Revised Code will create the Land Reutilization Demolition Program and to make an appropriation to finance the demolition, environmental remediation, or both, of blighted properties throughout the region.
We have always been passionate and committed to supporting growth and improvements in our region, and were honored to be a part of the testimony for this important Bill.
On Wednesday, June 19 we stood together at the Ohio Statehouse with State Representative Dave Greenspan (District 16), Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, and Jim Rokakis is Vice President of the Western Reserve Land Conservancy for the second hearing for legislation that would help county land banks tear down blighted properties.
We invite you to join us as we take up this vital cause and work to make our region even greater!
(Click HERE to read Taylor’s testimony supporting House Bill 252)