Shop Talk

Why Is Workforce And Manufacturing So Important To Us?

Well, first and foremost, we see so much meaning in those two.

Your profession is an integral part of your life. We spend more time at work than we do at home, so we inherently should enjoy what we do. Our careers define a significant corner of our lives and identity, for better or for worse.

By having a strong workforce, we are able to have stronger families, communities, economies, and more.

The ripple effect that steady and stable employment offers is paramount to the quality of life in America.

We also are given the opportunity to live out our inner motivation when aligned with the right career. We can be builders, thinkers, dreamers, creatives, and so much more. It may not come through so obviously in the day-to-day work, but the little moments pay big dividends in scratching that itch.

As for manufacturing, we see the viability that this industry provides to the Great Lakes region and the country at large. We are constantly innovating and growing while also retooling for the continually evolving future. The most creative people get to live out careers as welders, machinists, engineers, and more. The business minds get to flex their skills as a planner or negotiate as a buyer. Leadership is exemplified daily from top to bottom. Plant Managers get to conduct the ebbs and flows of their shop or factory floor like the conductor of an orchestra leading a symphony.

You see, these two areas are so important. Good people in good manufacturing jobs can extend far beyond the paycheck they earn and the product they make. The intrinsic and extrinsic benefits are vital to many.

Looking to talk more about the workforce of our region? Let’s engage in a dialogue. Click here to reach out to the Rust Belt Recruiting team so that we can hear from you and your perspective.